Healthcare Email Address Database Statistics

DoctorNet owns the largest, fastest growing, most diverse and highest quality healthcare email address database in the world.

We have over 450,000 physicians and healthcare providers. We also have 6,000+ healthcare administrator email addresses. Additionally, we have over 185,000 healthcare email addresses for business to business executives and decision makers in medical device companies, pharmaceutical firms, and other medical businesses.

Exact counts change daily . This web page is updated often, but since numbers change frequently, it is important to contact us for precise, real time counts. Also, business to business counts are not shown below, so please contact us for exact numbers.

Please contact us for real-time counts and more insights

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Listed below are medical specialty email address numbers for USA/World in three categories:

  • MD physicians
  • non-MD healthcare providers
  • health care executives / administrators

    addiction specialist doctors 780 970
    aerospace medicine doctors 29 31
    allergists and immunologists 1,924 2,896
    anesthesiologists 7,319 9,803
    surgeons specializing in weight loss surgery 448 454
    cardiologists 9,752 18,239
    cardiothoracic surgeons 3,737 6,695
    colon-rectal surgeons 525 980
    dermatologists 7,648 15,450
    dermatopathologists 421 477
    emergency medicine doctors 2,188 2,543
    endocrinologists 5,094 14,066
    ear nose and throat doctors 3,894 5,109
    general practitioners and family medicine doctors 6,299 8,944
    gastroenterologists 6,925 18,246
    general surgeons 5,114 7,015
    geneticists 2,339 3,267
    geriatricians 534 726
    hand surgeons 632 689
    hematologists 2,421 4,974
    infectious disease doctors 1,404 1,976
    medical informatics doctors 31 33
    interventional radiologists 1,465 1,573
    internists (internal medicine) 8,620 12,665
    endoscopy surgery specialists, various specialties 736 795
    legal medicine doctors 22 22
    nephrologists 3,429 7,083
    neurologists 7,925 20,518
    neurosurgeons 2,559 3,865
    nuclear medicine doctors 363 855
    gynecologists and obstetricians 7,576 13,419
    oculo-plastic surgeons / ophthalmologists 70 75
    cancer surgeons 737 1,010
    oncologists 6,325 13,769
    ophthalmologists 13,431 19,800
    orthopedists 7,220 12,078
    pain doctors 2,126 2,350
    pathologists 8,808 12,088
    pediatric surgeons 1,109 1,528
    pediatricians 22,439 25,057
    plastic surgeons 5,143 7,854
    psychiatrists 5,756 8,509
    pulmonologists 1,360 1,686
    radiation oncologists 1,028 1,630
    radiologists 8,390 16,617
    rehabilitation medicine doctors 2,017 2,373
    rheumatologists 2,178 4,919
    telemedicine doctor specialists 7 7
    trauma surgeons 528 574
    urologists 3,492 5,715
    vascular surgeons 1,812 2,438
    alternative doctors with n.d. and other degrees 1,467 1,764
    audiologists 2,245 2,251
    chiropractors with d.c. degree 4,868 5,037
    dentists with d.d.s and d.m.d degrees 30,577 34,426
    family counselors 6,310 6,571
    maxillofacial and oral surgeons with d.d.s., d.m.d. and m.d. degrees 1,695 2,943
    nurses 4,317 5,407
    nutritionists 4,691 5,294
    orthodontists with d.d.s. and d.m.d. degrees 5,542 7,356
    pharmacists 4,177 4,239
    physical therapists 4,770 4,813
    podiatrists with d.p.m. degree 3,686 3,904
    psychologists 8,947 10,127
    optometrists with o.d. degree 7,678 8,219
    veterinarians with d.v.m. degree 8,266 9,156
    administrators of alcohol, drug rehab centers 1,180 1,188
    administrators of ambulatory care facilities 145 149
    administrators of ophthalmology practices 99 104
    administrators of health insurance companies 763 764
    administrators of home care companies 658 661
    hospital administrators 3,734 3,735
    administrators of integrated delivery networks 479 479
    administrators of medical groups 545 547

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